Southridge Greens is a neighborhood in Fort Collins, Colorado, United States. It is mostly surrounded by green spaces that stretch up to Fossil Creek Park to the southwest of the village. Fossil Creek passes through the village to the south; Mail Creek Ditch to the north.
Southridge Greens borders the neighborhoods of Oakridge Village, Willow Springs, Linden Park, Paragon Point, Brittany Knolls, and Miramont. The village can be accessed by Lemay Avenue on its western border while Southridge Greens Boulevard serves as the main road snaking throughout the village.
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish serves Southridge Greens as the lone place of worship within the neighborhood. Southridge Golf Course is located on Lemay Avenue at the southern part of the village.
Southridge Greens Coordinates: 40.5088° N, 105.0535° W
Our areas served also covers The Landings.
The Speedy Electricians of Fort Collins
3800 Automation Way, Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 568-5080